Office furniture






Office closet with textures and glass. Image rendered with yafaray.

Updated with sweethome3d format file (sh3d)


If you want furniture for Sweet Home 3D

I have done a lot of models for Sweet Home 3D based on IKEA designs, click here to visit our store and get them!


5 responses to “Office furniture”

  1. Furniture hire

    While we’re in the Resources – Free 3D models » Office furniture zone, Despite the fact that lots of people think that metal furniture is intended for being out on the back patio, there are many new collections of furniture crafted from metal nowadays.

  2. Elaine

    Olá Carlos, tudo bem?
    Estou trabalhando em um grupo de pesquisa na minha universidade aqui na França.
    Precisamos de alguns objetos para decorar uma sala onde será posta a nossa maquina.
    Posso utilizar os seus objetos? Pretendo colocar todos os direitos autorais e tudo o mais que você desejar.

    Desde já grata,


  3. Sure!, you can use them as you like 😀
    If you add a link to this page you can distribute the models too, as you can read in the license 😉
    It would be nice to see some images when you finish your project. Good luck!

  4. Elaine

    Sorry about the last message.
    I actually toght that you was brazilian, then I spoke in portuguese.
    Now in English: I work at a research group in my university, we need some objects to use in a room where is our machine.
    Can we use your objects? We’ll put all copyrights and all you want.

    Thank you,


  5. Don’t worry Elaine, Portuguese is easy to me (latin language ;)). I answered you above your last message.

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D