
All the files of the Models section are under the Creative Commons 4.0 Unported license:

You are free:

  • To share – to copy, distribute and trasmit the work
  • To Remix – to adapt the work

Under the following conditions:

  • You are free to make personal or commercial works
  • Attribution: The models can be used in renders or animations without attribution, but if you want to distribute the models you must attribute them to Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems, s.l. ( and Space Mushrooms ( adding a link to both sites, and you have to add a copy of this license or a link to this page.


23 responses to “License”

  1. saki okano

    hello. My name is Saki Okano.(from Japan)
    Your work is truly amazing. So,
    Can I use objects on the web for my manga?
    Can I use it for commercial purposes?

  2. Carlos Folch

    Hi Saki Okano,

    Sure, you can use the objects on the web for your manga and for commercial purposes 😉

  3. saki okano

    Thank you very much!!!

  4. Thiraphut


    I’m training program blender.

    To create the image 3D sold through shutterstock and interested in using your model with my work.

    Can I use your model in my work?

  5. Carlos Folch

    Hi Thiraphut. Yes, you can use the models, render your scenes and sell the renders without problems 🙂

  6. Thiraphut

    WOW! Thank you very much for your kindness.

  7. Michael


    there is a lawn mower (black/yellow) at Sweethome and they name Scopia as the creator, but I can’t find it here in your blog.
    Are you the creator, and if so, which license (or more precise which conditions) is valid for it ?
    At sweethome and here CC 4.0 unported is mentioned, but here you also give the permission to use it without attribution and license link if only used in renders and not distributed ?

    Thanks in advance

  8. Carlos Folch

    Hi Michael,

    Yes, I made that model with the help of Eteks. You can use the models without attribution if you don’t redistribute them. You can see this too in the license page of the Sweet Home 3D site here

  9. Barat

    I’m amazed by the work you gys have done so far…..
    I’m making a game since 6months and my aim is to play with friends and let others to enjoy my new invention and for that extra decoration is required so
    Pls can i use some of the models for my game as decoration and animation :)? Pls?

  10. Carlos Folch

    Hi Barat,

    Sure, you can use the models for your game. As the license page says, the models are under Creative Commons 4.0 license. To distribute the models you only must attribute them to Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems, s.l. ( and Eteks ( adding a link to both sites, and you have to add a copy of this license or a link to the license page. You can do it at the credits of the game or in any accessible part of the game you prefer.

  11. Jinto Poulose

    Hi My name is Jinto Poulose
    I am using sweethome3d for creating 3d home plans and also planning to start a YouTube & Facebook page for sharing my works. Can I use your models available from to my works and share it on social media?
    Thanks in advance

  12. Carlos Folch

    Hi Jinto. Sure, you can use them. Remember that if you distribute the models then you should attribute them to Eteks and to Scopia. You can see more information in the license page -> If you show the models in a video, or images, etc.. and you don’t distribute the 3d files, then the attribution it’s not necessary.

  13. Sabine

    Hi there,
    another question to the licence rules, because I want to understand fully:
    If I create renderings as pictures or videos, I understand that it is not necessary to write an attribution, also if it is a commercial work.
    But, would it be classified as a “distribution”, if I would show the html5 output from SweetHome3D on the web?
    Many thanks again for your superb work!!!

  14. Carlos Folch

    Hi Sabine. You should attribute the models if they can be downloaded from that web, I mean if you have a button, or a link, to a downloadable version of the models. If you can only navigate or view the models then you don’t need to attribute the models 😉

  15. Julie


    I was doing a research paper on paints and I would like to use a model for my paper. Is this permitted?

  16. Carlos Folch

    Yes, sure, you can do it without attribution. You should attribute only if you redistribute the models 😉

  17. Debbie Kovac

    I just want to organize my house on your program & then in real life. I am not wanting it for commercial purposes. However if it turns out pretty good, then I will certainly give yall the credit for it. Even if I find i am unable to use some of it, it would still be something that I will tell my friends about. Then program where I gather the pictures has stopped working for me. Am I limited in how many items that I can save? Help? Please.

  18. Carlos Folch

    Hi Debbie,

    What program are you using? Blender? Sweet Home 3D? Both of them are open source and free to use, so you shouldn’t have problems by using them as long as you want 😉

  19. a benhamou


  20. Alcindo Neto

    Im working in a game and some of your models became very useful for me, can i use them in my current game and maybe in my future games and credit your work in the credit screen?


  21. Carlos Folch

    Hi, sure, and good luck with your game! 🙂

  22. Mateus Ribeiro Brasil

    I’m starting for fun to learn how to work with sweet home 3d

    do you have more objects to make available?
    How do I see the news made available by you?

    thank you friend

  23. Carlos Folch

    Hi Mateus, I’m glad you like the models :). You can find all the free models on the home page, or you can navigate by the categories using the dropdown menu at the top bar.

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D