Help me and download all the models in a zip file





From today I have added a Paypal Donate button to the site. I need some help to maintain the site and to continue creating and sharing 3d models.

Download all the models in a zip file for +3 Euros

You can donate any amount you want and I will show you the links to download a zip file with all the models (please, as Paypal charges for each transaction, the donation should be 3 euros at least).

But remember…

All the models are in this site for free, you can simply navigate and download them, and this donation is only a way to help me and the zip file is my way to thank you for the donation.


On the paypal page you must click on the blue link “Return to the Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems SL” after you complete the donation to arrive to the page with the download link. If do you have any problem let me know, please 😉

Thank you!!


Donate and download all the 3D models
Please, add here your Email Address:

NOTE: the donation button is only visible if the cookies are enabled


If you want furniture for Sweet Home 3D

I have done a lot of models for Sweet Home 3D based on IKEA designs, click here to visit our store and get them!


138 responses to “Help me and download all the models in a zip file”

  1. ja

    thank you

  2. thakeshi


  3. guillaume


  4. Giulio Maffeo

    Ottimo Lavoro, Grazie!

  5. Minato


  6. 7ka

    спасибо 🙂

  7. test


  8. gvz

    thank you very much

  9. danny


  10. Jan

    Hi great 3D models! Thanks for these.
    Posted on


  11. You’re welcome :D. Nice blog Jan!!





  14. Weverton

    Gostaria de receber esses objetos 3D.

  15. zengesh

    thank you

  16. yinaierfengxin

    you are very good!

  17. yinaierfengxin


  18. Evgeniy

    I nead your help

  19. Hello Evgeniy,
    How can I help you? Any problem with the downloads?

  20. modtanoy

    very good

  21. sara


  22. Subsurface scattering?? 😀

  23. Nasos

    ”IMPORTANT: In the paypal page you must click on the yellow button “Return to the Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems site” after you complete the donation to arrive to the page with the download link.”
    I didn’t 😛
    How can I get the links?

  24. Hi Nasos,

    I will send you the link to the download page 😉

  25. Nasos

    thanks ! 😉

  26. kase

    thank you

  27. Vagner

    Alô gente !
    Infelizmente ñ consigo o baixar a biblioteca de modelos 3D para Blender. Ele retorna sempre a mesma página e ñ faz o downloal. Uma luz por favor !

  28. Hello Vagner, what is the model you are trying to download?

  29. jamie


  30. jamie


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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D