Help me and download all the models in a zip file





From today I have added a Paypal Donate button to the site. I need some help to maintain the site and to continue creating and sharing 3d models.

Download all the models in a zip file for +3 Euros

You can donate any amount you want and I will show you the links to download a zip file with all the models (please, as Paypal charges for each transaction, the donation should be 3 euros at least).

But remember…

All the models are in this site for free, you can simply navigate and download them, and this donation is only a way to help me and the zip file is my way to thank you for the donation.


On the paypal page you must click on the blue link “Return to the Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems SL” after you complete the donation to arrive to the page with the download link. If do you have any problem let me know, please 😉

Thank you!!


Donate and download all the 3D models
Please, add here your Email Address:

NOTE: the donation button is only visible if the cookies are enabled


If you want furniture for Sweet Home 3D

I have done a lot of models for Sweet Home 3D based on IKEA designs, click here to visit our store and get them!


138 responses to “Help me and download all the models in a zip file”

  1. pippo


  2. Pepe

    Muchissimas gracias !

  3. irene

    I cannot try the models or see them because I cannot download them? Please help

  4. Hello Irene. You must select first the model you want and click on it to view its description and images. Below the description of the model you can view the “Downloads” list, select the file you need there 😉

    If you don’t want to download the models one by one, and you would like to download all the models in a single zip file, then you can donate here the amount you like, clicking on the donate button, and then you will go to the download page after your donation. Any problem let me know.

  5. juan


  6. ajat

    Very Nice,thanks very much

  7. lincheng

    I am come China !I Dot Know!!! QQ107348878 Email Werll Come !

  8. lincheng

    I Dot Know English- –

  9. abdul


  10. Kari


  11. Kary

    Very Nice,thanks very much

  12. nick


  13. Andres

    A ver qeu tal son, antes de dar la donacion.

  14. TheArt

    Where is download link?

  15. Hi, TheArt.
    The download link appears after the donation.

  16. holly

    very good!

  17. maryam


  18. mujdat

    thank you

  19. caoyang


  20. caoyang

    thanks , these are very useful

  21. cctax

    thanks , these are very useful

  22. genode


  23. genode


  24. Lucas

    Hola Carlos, he efectuado la donación, como procedo para descargar el Zip? saludos!

  25. Hola Lucas y muchas gracias. Te he enviado el enlace por e-mail. Cualquier problema me dices 😉

  26. Pablo Bazalar

    Hola…Entiendo que es un trabajo que requiere esfuerzo y dedicación y por tanto una recompensa. Pero no puedes decir que es gratuito cuando es OBLIGATORIA la “DONACIÓN”. Lo que estás haciendo es cobrar y sería más honesto decir que cobras porque lo necesitas. nada de malo tiene querer ser retribuido por lo que a uno le cuesta tiempo y dinero. Pero de esta manera más pareces uno de tantos engatusadores que hay en la red.

  27. ????
    Pablo, puedes descargarte los modelos gratuítamente, uno por uno, no es obligatoria la donación. Miles de descargas se hacen cada día así, sólo tienes que navegar hasta el modelo que te guste y pulsar sobre el enlace que hay bajo el texto descriptivo. Si tienes algún problema de descarga dímelo y lo miro, puede que en algún navegador no se vea bien :/

  28. laozo


  29. wangwei

    very good

  30. Natalie

    Thanks for finally talking about > Resources – Free 3D
    models for blender, sweethome3d and others

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D