Natural oak texture




Wood textures of natural color oak for flooring and paneling, all under public domain license (use as you want). You can download diffuse, bump, normal, reflexion and shiny maps for use as texture channels. If you are a sweethome3d user you can use the diffuse map to add a new texture to your library (look at the Sweethome3d documentation).


These textures are available as real products, each texture is available on floor, wall and ceiling. For more information, have a look on the donor website, the hardwood flooring and panelling manufacturer Europlac or join them on their facebook
dedicated to interior design in wood.

If you want furniture for Sweet Home 3D

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2 responses to “Natural oak texture”

  1. maelis

    comment mettre le parket au sol

  2. Carlos Folch

    Hi Maelis,

    You must select the floor or the wall you want to add the texture, then use the modify option (or modifier) and click on the texture button to add your texture. You can find some documentation here:

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D