With the legend icons you know what format is available for each download. When the file is a blender file, you can know the render setup with the render engine icons (internal, yafray, yafaray, indigo…)
- Autodesk 3DS Max format. Triangulated meshes.
- Originally from Maya. You can import this into sweethome3d.
- Blender file (.blend) rendered with internal.
- Sweethome3d files. You can import directly with correct size and textures.
- Sketchup files, the texture files are compressed within the file.
- Blender file with yafray setup. You need blender2.48a and Yafray.
- Blender file with yafaray setup. You need blender2.49b and Yafaray.
- Normal map texture file.
- Bump map texture file.
- Diffuse map texture file.
- Reflection map texture file.
- Shiny map texture file.
- Sketchup material file.
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