Table and chairs, dark color





Table and chairs with bump texture. Image rendered with new yafaray engine.

Updated with two new files for sweethome3d (sh3d), I have divided the original file and you can download the table and one chair individually, both with corrected texture maps


If you want furniture for Sweet Home 3D

I have done a lot of models for Sweet Home 3D based on IKEA designs, click here to visit our store and get them!


5 responses to “Table and chairs, dark color”

  1. abe

    Love your site! keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks Abe ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Marcos

    WOW hahah WONDERFULL man

    so.. ive got a question, do you know any software to convert?
    i mean.. from max or obj for .blend??

    best regards
    keep up ur NICE JOB

  4. Hi Marcos,
    The file with the “YAFA” icon is a blender file. If you want to convert a max file to blender you can export to .obj (or 3ds, or Collada) and then import it from blender ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for the encouragement ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. You are welcome! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D