TV and DVD





TV and DVD with UV coordinates. Image rendered with old yafray engine.


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8 responses to “TV and DVD”


    nice job

  2. Another Title…

    I saw this really great post today….

  3. oi sou o marcelo de macapá ap e não consigo baixar e abrir os model no meu swite home 3d

  4. Hello Marcelo.
    I have upgraded the .obj file now, you can try to import it with those dimensions:

    Correct values for import the obj file

  5. kevin


  6. Good day Guys

    Are there any Blu-Ray/dvd

    combination players?
    I do know there are actually dvd/vcr players. Are there any players which will perform each of those dvd disks and blu-rays that I can acquire instead of just shopping a couple of separate players?

    Thank you !

  7. Hello Red,
    I don’t know. This is a 3d models site not a shop 😉
    Anyway, you can google it with the terms “blu-ray & dvd” and you will find a lot of answers 😀

  8. Boris

    Thanks a billion for such a good job.

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Hello! I am Carlos Folch, a blender user that works for the company Scopia . We make 3D images and videos and we like to share 3D models with you.

Models for Sweet Home 3D